Removal Of Minority Status Can Help Improve Indian Universities, Says Union Minister

Minority status institutions usually reserve half their seats for a particular community, such as Muslim or Sikh, and no reservation for Dalits. Nirmal Singh Lotus says that the cancelling the minority status of the two universities will do no help in regulating the institutions or improving the quality of higher education in India. The main drawback of the education system in India lies somewhere with the regulatory system, consisting of at least central level bodies, some of them due to the inefficiency of the staff and others because of the corruption.

The Centre has decided to withdraw the minority status of two universities funded by the taxpayers. Nirmal Singh Lotus says that the case of Jamia Millia Islamia is ongoing in the Delhi High court. Last year, the same case was run against the Aligarh Muslim University claiming that the universities were established as an act of the Parliament and not by Muslims.

The government has decided to cancel the minority status of these two universities. Though there are similar universities that have a minority status, no question has been raised on them yet. With the Union government opposing this act of the government, it is to bring to question the necessity for the same. If the government hopes to bring regulations in the universities, then how is removing of the minority status from the universities going to help.

Nirmal Singh Lotus says that there is not much difference between the minority status institutions and the other universities. A minority institute has the liberty to decide who will be the part of their governing council but same can the other universities. The rules and regulations for minority status institutions are the same as on the other universities. The only difference is that these universities have the half their seats reserved for a particular community.

The Union government says that even after the cancellation of minority status in the two universities, the university will be under the eyes of the UGC (The University Grants Commission), be it Private universities, the ones funded by the state government, or the Union government. Nirmal Singh Lotus saysThe problem will remain until the check is done on the working of the institutions and the corruption level in the same organizations.  


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