Porns In School? CBSE Asked To Set Jammers For Such Sites In Their Campus

Nirmal Singh Lotus
Our education system has been undergoing a lot of changes in the past decade.  With our society becoming more technically advance, it is very important to teach the kids about it. Many schools now use smart classes teach the students, believing that it is more interactive and understandable for the students. This makes students open to a lot of risk. Nirmal Singh Lotus says, internet is such a huge platform and as much as it gives its users the knowledge about the things, it also gives them access to the things which risk their mental health and security a lot.

Taking of security, Nirmal singh Lotus says that India still does not have restricted porn sites, which makes it easily accessible to anyone and form anywhere. The only identification that is needed to access the porn sites is the mail accounts, and fake accounts can be made easily there. This exposes our children to a great risk.
In order to control the wrong use of internet and technology, the Supreme Court has passed a judgement for the central Board of Secondary Education to put jammers to prevent students from accessing pornography in school.
The hearing was for a petition asking the government to block all the websites that host pornographic content. According to the sources, 3,522 sites were blocked in June, but ruled out the idea of installing jammers in school buses. Nirmal Singh Lotus says that though it is a great step to prevent the youngsters from being abused sexually on the internet, but is still not a full proof protection for the students. 

The members of the committee said, that it is not possible to install the jammers in the bus but the installation of the same is being done in the school premises.
But Nirmal singh Lotus puts up a valid question, is putting the jammers the only option? It is general philosophy, if you prohibit someone from doing something, they will definitely do it. So you might set up jammers there, but the students might still get recorded or downloaded stuff. And what about their time spent commuting, they might watch porns there, and the maximum risk is when they are at home. 

Nirmal singh Lotus believes that jamming the sites is just a temporary solution, and if you actually want to lower the risk arising due to the students exposure to various online sites, then you must talk to them about it. Communication is the best option here and if you can communicate to them the risk they undergo due to such exposure, then they will themselves be much careful about it.


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