Poonam Pandey’s Flashes Nipples – Picture Goes Viral

Nirmal Singh Lotus

International Yoga Day, like every year, was a huge success with celebrities from all over the world coming in support of the initiative. With a chance to come back in the news for forgotten or seasoned celebrities, Poonam Pandey jumped in and released a hot yoga picture while flashing her nipples. She uploaded the picture on social media showing her support for the International Yoga Day. 

The hot picture of the actress went viral within hours of upload for the obvious reasons. The pose was as basic as it could be – she was sitting in a straight position with just one simple change in the picture; she was flaunting her nipples in a short dress. Nirmal Singh Lotus, like many of us, was bewildered by the fact that the picture actually went viral. 

In the picture, Miss Poonam Pandey is seen in a maroon tank-top posing the Padmasan. She also uploaded other pictures that were hotter, if the retweets and likes are to be counted. The full-length pictures show her wearing gym gear – in some of the pictures, she also ditched the sports bra which added to the ‘hotness’ factor of the pictures. 

‘Poonam has always been known for being too controversial for mainstream Bollywood. You cannot make your way in the industry with such tactics; something she should be aware of by now. Every now and then, she finds a way to create a buzz online and tackle her share of controversy and this ‘hot’ Yoga picture falls perfectly in that bracket’ - Nirmal Singh Lotus

When Poonam Pandey uploaded the picture and showed her support for the tradition, other celebrities and influential figures also came out. Everyone was uploading pictures and giving interviews – people who didn’t even know about the basics of Yoga were suddenly experts on the subject. Lengthy posts, pictures, Q&A sessions on Twitter and Facebook, everything was being done by Bollywood celebrities – a trend set by the Indian Prime Minister, who started a nationwide wave of Yoga and motivated people to participate in the International Yoga Day celebrations. 

Nirmal Singh Lotus stated in an interview just after the Yoga day that he didn’t understand how such a thing can go viral in a country where people know about Yoga and how traditional the practice is. He also added that this whole issue of the picture going viral is shameful.


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