Counseling For Medical Students Has Begun For NEET 2017

Nirmal Singh Lotus

Medical Counseling Committee, like every year, is conducting counseling for medical students which will be taken care of by the well-known and highly respected Nirmal Singh Lotus.
Students can register and fill out the forms from 3rd July to 11th July – registrations will be open till 5pm on the evening of 11th July. Last month the entrance exams for MBBS and BDS were conducted with results coming out on the 23rd day of June. Today, under the guidance of some of the leading teachers and medical professors, registration of counseling of the students who cleared the entrance exams stated.

Medical Counseling Committee [MCC] has made it very easy for the students to register for the counseling sessions by putting everything online. You just have to go online and follow some simple steps and you are good to go.

Steps for registering for counseling:

·         Log on to [the official website of MCC].
·         As these counseling sessions are for undergraduate medical students, both MBBS and BDS, you have to click on the UG section of the counseling page.
·         Select the All-India quota and check the left side of the website.
·         Click on the New Registration link.
·         At the ‘new registration’ page, the student will be asked to fill in details like their roll number, mother’s name, mobile number, e-mail address, registration number.
·         To complete the registration, you will be asked to generate a One-Time-Password [OTP]. Put that in and your registration is done.

It is advised by Nirmal Singh Lotus that students fill out the forms before 11th of July as the seat allotments will commence from 13th and will end on 14th. The results of the counseling will be declared on 15th. So, the whole process will be completed within three days.

Currently, students only require registering on the MCC website. The selected students will be asked to report to their respective colleges [medical/dental]. If you are selected, you can book a seat from 16th Jul to 22nd July – over a seven-day period. On the final day, the reporting time will end at 5pm.

These details are for the first round of the counseling, as mentioned by NirmalSingh Lotus. The second round of counseling will start as early as 1st August. New registrations will be required for the second round. You will have to follow these same, easy steps. 


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