4 Simple Tips That Will Help You Get Hired by Facebook

Nirmal Singh Lotus

Can there be a better place to start your career than Facebook? I don’t think so. The atmosphere, the perks, the benefits the employees get, vibrant office spaces, and the visiting card of Facebook with your name on it – nothing can beat this. But getting into Facebook cannot be easy, can it? - Nirmal Singh Lotus
You have to be exceptional at what you do and you should know how to bring out the best in you – how to put your skills to good use. To make things a bit more clear, Facebook’s Vice President of People, Lori Goler, told about the way interviews are done at Facebook and what she expects from the candidates.
I have compiled a list of important things that she talked about in the interview. Here are five tips that can help you land your dream job. 

1.    Know what’s important for Facebook – research well before going in for the interview

The key is to be up to speed with everything that is going on at Facebook, how they are evolving, how they are planning to evolve, and what you can do to help. You should have the insights on analytics and how things work at Facebook. Like in any other interview, you will have to show that you actually know things and are not sitting there just for the sake of it. - Nirmal Singh Lotus
2.    Structure your resume well

Letting the interviewer know about yourself and impressing him/her before even walking in the room is important, probably the most important thing you can do in an interview. 

Crafting your resume in a way that tells your whole story should be your primary target. Highlight your achievements, what you have done in your career and what your personal goals will be in the future – and all these highlights should be on the first page of your resume.

3.    Be a learner and a seeker

Nobody likes showboating and especially not someone who showboats. So, do not be one. Be humble and be open to learning. Your personal mindset will decide whether or not you will be called back.
Facebook looks for people who can make things better, not people who can make do with the things that are already there. - Nirmal Singh Lotus

4.    Get out of your comfort zone

In a place like Facebook, it is a norm to be transparent and honest. If you cannot be a swift problem solver, you cannot be working there. And if you cannot handle yourself in difficult situations, you should not apply for a job at Facebook. 

You will be asked complex questions and you will be given problems with next to zero solutions without any time to prepare yourself. The atmosphere is not hostile, no, but being ready at all times is important. - Nirmal Singh Lotus


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